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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Q n A on SAP PP

Interview Questions and Anwsers on SAP PP

1. If you have released Prdn order today and it had gone to shop floor. Next day it was found that there is shortage of material. What will you?
2. How you define Standard Cost and Variable cost in PP?
3. Where can you find Read PP Master in SAP(PP)?
4. What are all the settings done for configuring integration of PP with FICO?

1. Do availability check. You will get missing parts list. Procure those missing parts. Then confirm the production order. One more thing you can do, change customize setting so that user cannot release if parts are missing during order release.

2. Standard cost is the cost which is fixed for a period, variable cost is varying with period. As for example cost of semi finished, finished materials are fixed & cost of raw materials are varied.

3. You will find in master data tab page of production header data overview, CO02 - Read PP Master Data. Also from Functions menu you will get Read PP Master Data.

4. Assigning of Cost center
to work center. Assigning Activity type to work center, Standard Cost estimate, Costing Run, Order settlement, Product costing. *-- Chandan Majumdar


1. Can MRP be carried out for one particular level of a bom ( Level code : 0001/0002 etc).
Yes it can be done by running for specific materials (Single Material Single Level)

2 How Requiements( PIR,Sles Order, Customer Requirement) are reduced after they are produced?
Reqmts are reduced automatically after Delivery is made to the Particular Order
(In case of Strategy 11, the PIRs are consumed after the GR for Production Order)

3. Can't one material be assigned to more than one operation in a routing?
One material from a BOM CANNOT be assigned to different Operations.
It can be done by defining the material for so many times as required in the BOM

4. How to insert an inspection checkpoint at the end of an operation?
If in process sample is to be defined, assign inspection type 03 in the Material Master.
Then create MICs and assign them in the Routings.
System automatically generates the Inspection Lots

5. Where we have to specify the teardown time in one operation?
Teardown time can be defined as one of the Standard Parameters...

6. How the process time is calculated in a WC when both labour, Machine categories exist?
Scheduling is done based on the Capacity Category we define in the Workcenter

7. How to create opbject dependencies in a BOM FOR A CONFIGURABLE MATERIAL?
Go to Extras -> Object Dependency -> Assign
For this U need to create Characteristics and Class (of Class Type 300) earlier

8. Can any body explain me why work scheduling view is required for semi finished and finished products?
(Because we'll mention all details in MRP views)

A) We need to maintain working scheduling view in order to make that finished or semi finished goods available for
production as we assign production scheduler and production scheduler profile in this view, if not maintained
conversion of planned order to production will not be possible.

Test Qns (MCQ)

1. A plant can be a physical plant or a logical section of a plant

a) Yes b) No.

Ans: a

Storage locations are areas where materials are stored within a plant

a) Yes b) No.

Ans: a

A purchasing organization can buy for a number of plants

a) Yes b) No.

Ans: a

A purchasing group is a sub-set of a purchasing organization

a) Yes b) No.

Ans: a

2. Strategy Group is relevant for Material Requirement Planning

a) True b) False

Ans: a

3. MRP can be caried out at :

a) Plant Level
b) All Routings
c) Single item – single level
d) Single item – multiple level

Ans: a, c, d

4. In Material Requirement Planning

a) Material availability is ensured
b) If shortage exists the corresponding elements are planned
c) Stock transfers are also possible
d) The availability of the components is ensured via dependent requirements

Ans: d

5. With Make – to Stock strategy 10

a) MRP run considers only Sales Orders
b) MRP run considers only PIR
c) MRP run considers both Sales Order & PIR
d) Sales Order can consume PIR

Ans: b

6. The Individual / Collective indicator in the material Master determines

a) Whether a component is procured for a special customer requirement in the individual segment
b) Requirement quantities of dependent materials are grouped together during MRP run
c) The Material Requirement Planning
d) The Special Procurement.

Ans: c

7. ATP – Available to Promise (Availability check)

a) System checks if all issues are covered by existing receipts
b) Checks if receipts’ quantity still available to cover newly received issues

Ans: a

8. Availability Check PIRs

System does not check against PIRs

a) True b) False

Ans: b

No ATP quantities, receipts or stocks are included

a) True b) False

Ans: b

Determines if sufficient PIRs are planned to cover a SO

a) True b) False

Ans: b

9. Consumption based planning is usually used for following materials

a) All A & B Class Materials
b) Materials with smooth consumption pattern.

Ans: b

10. For Planning at Phantom Assembly Level planned orders are created for Phantom assembly

a) True b) False

Ans: b

11. Stock Requirements List gives ___________________ situation of stock requirement for the material

a) Static : of the last MRP Run
b) Dynamic : Existing at current situation

Ans: b

12. Is Sales order A Qty. 15 PC and Sales order B Qty. 25 PC are booked on same date and stock is 0 PC

a) Separate Planned Order for each Sales Order shall be created if individual indicator is set
b) Only one planned order is created if individual indicator is set
c) Separate Planned Order for each Sales Order shall be created if Collective indicator is set
d) Only one planned order is created if Collective indicator is set

Ans: a, d

13. Planning can create the following after MRP run

a) Planned Orders
b) Production Orders
c) Purchase Orders
d) Schedule Lines

Ans: a, b

14. NETCH is

a) Used in Demand Management
b) Key to run MRP for Total horizon
c) Key to run MRP for Total Planning horizon
d) Not related to MRP

Ans: c

15. Regenerative Planning

a) Plans all material for a specified plant
b) Plans all material for a specified plant for total planning horizon
c) Stands practical for the first time planning run


Sample Qns

Sample Questions on SAP PP

1. Which is the highest organisational level in SAP

a) Plant b) Client c) Storage Location

Ans: b

2. For Material Master record PP Data which is the highest organisational level

a) Plant b) Client c) Storage Location

Ans: a

3. What is the difference between F1 Help & F4 Help.

a) F1 is for possible values and F4 is for application help
b) F1 is for Application Help and F4 is for Technical Help
c) F1 is for Field Help and F4 is for possible entries.
d) None of the above

Ans: c

4. Variant Configuration is typically used in

a) Make – to – stock Environment
b) Make – to – Order Environment
c) Spare parts Sale
d) Repetitive Manufacturing Environment

Ans: a

5. Configurable Material check for a material is set in _____________

a) Basic Data b) MRP View
c) Sales View d) Classification


6. Basic Data screen contains general data such as

a) Material Number
b) Material description
c) Base unit of measure
d) Technical data

Ans: a, b, c

7. Functions of Classification are

a) To find an appropriate object
b) To find similar objects
c) To establish that no appropriate object exists.


8. Entering “/o” in command field

a) Ends current transaction
b) Ends the current cession
c) Opens new cession
d) Opens new transaction


9. For creating Material Master the following Transaction Code is used :

a) md01
b) mm01
c) me01
d) mc01

Ans: b

10. The unit in which the stock keeping is done in a company is called

a) Stock unit of measure
b) Base unit of measure
c) Unit of issue
d) Purchase unit of measure

Ans: b

11. Batch is

a) Same as material code
b) Partial quantity of material managed separately from other quantity of same material in stock
c) A non reproducible homogeneous unit with unique specifications
d) None of above
e) All of above

Ans: b

12. A _____________________________ is a complete, formally structured list of the components that make up a product or assembly.


13. Component in the BOM are allocated to operation in

a) BOM
b) Material Master
c) Routing
d) Work Center

Ans: c

14. BOM contains the following

a) List of Components
b) Qty of Components
c) Operation to which components is attached.
d) Unit of Measure of components

Ans: a, b, d

15. BOMs are always created as

a) Single Level
b) Multi Level
c) Components
d) Along with routings

Ans: a


SAP PP Questions and Answers

What are the cutover activities followed for PP module?

I am listing some cut over activities to be followed (for PP - Discrete Manufacturing).

Production Planning / Master data:
For Production planning, only master data shall be migrated to SAP. In the 1st Stage, there is no master data. Following is the master data elements relevant for PP:

- Bill of materials
- Routing.
- Work Centres.

Transaction data:

As of the cut off date, ideally there should not be any work in process. All the open production orders should be closed and semi finished goods should be dismantled and should be added to Raw materials. This strategy should be followed for all production orders where lead time to complete the production order is not large.

Since, the production orders are for longer duration and it is not possible to dismantle the product and add it to inventory, following can be the strategy for migrating the data to SAP:

- Create a material master for the work in process and set the standard price as the cost incurred for that product (ie. Work in process)
- Create a bill of material (which will be used only for this production order) including this material and other materials still to be consumed.
- Create Routing for rest of the production process.
- Bring the work in process material into inventory as of the cut off date.
- Create the production orders in SAP for the Work in process and issue materials to production order.

Complete the production process after the cut off date of the project.

What happens to planned after it has been converted into production order?

When you convert Planned order to Production order. the planned order are offset by production order. Reference of planned order can be seen in the production order.

How to attach a drawing for a material to BOM? Is it possible?

Yes, you can attach a drawing.
First create a document using Transaction Code "CV01N - Create Document".
Attach your drawing in that document.
The system will generate a document number. Assign this document in the BOM with item category D.

Report in Long Term Planning - You use long term planning for your customers, what they need are very simple, just to calculate future requirements for 1 or 2 years.
Are there any reports in SAP to list of material requirement from LTP?
You need a list of material requirement from long term planning result for each item.

Use MS70 then use MCEC.

Scheduling planned order - How can you get planned orders scheduled so that you can do capacity leveling?
MD11 and then Schedule works fine but ideally you would want the the planned order scheduled automatically on creation? You have tried setting up an action to schedule the orders but cannot get that to work either.

When running MRP, try selecting "2" in the scheduling box this will bring planned orders into CM01 and CM21

Capacity planning CM01 - When you run capacity planning T-code: CM01, you found the plan orders are not included in the pegged requirement, you checked the profile, the check box for order and plan order are all actived.

Guess that planned orders have been created without capacity requirement indicator in MRP ("2" - Lead Time scheduling), if this is the case, then when converted to process orders they will have impact on the Resource. If you want to see them as planned orders, re-run the MRP or change in every planned order, going to the Menu: Edit --> Scheduling

Another couple of possibilities are to do with the routing/work centres used and whether it isactually calculates consumption of capacity of the category at the work centre being displayed in CM01 (it might consume a capacity pool or it might not consume the category).

MPS in Backgound/Online - You want to run MPS for a plant either online or in the background, but you do not get any results. If you run MPS for a single material/plant, then everything is 100% OK.

You need to run a planning file and a consistency check first, transaction OMDO and MDRE respectively you'll need to set up two jobs to do it but it is straight forward, once you've done this set up the background job for MPS to run and do it in NEUPL first time round and then change to NETCH after that.

What is the output of MPS run?

From MPS run you plan the materials which are of 'A' type in the abc analysis (80% dollar value) that have to be planned before hand.
MPS is also a type of MRP only in which components just below the materials on which MPS run is taken place, are planned.

Table for production order status - What is the table for finding status (for Ex TECO ed prodn orders). We are not able to find from AFKO and AFRU tables the status of production orders or at least the link tables if known can be mentionned. You are unable to link the structure caufvd and IOHEADER WITH AFKO and AFRU.

JEST is the table.

Data dictonary table for SOP planning data - You are using Standard SOP (Info structure S076), in which table can you see the planning values that you maintained in MC93 transaction?
You looked under table "S076" and did not see any values there.

Use T.Code MC95 to display your entries under the version which maintained the the table S076.

Production order operation's component allocation - How does SAP know that an operation has components as indicated by the component allocation indicator? Tcode CO08.

Component allocation is done via routing maintenance or BOM maintenance for the assembly. This is master data maintenance. As soon as a PO is created, the master data is read into the PO.

How to delete groups of products?
How to delete a group of products that was created in screen MC84?

Delete the members in the product group and then archive the product group in transaction SARA, object=MM_MATNR.
(The product group is created as a material master record with material type PROD and this record is deleted in SARA.)

Certification Qns

SAP PP Certification Sample Questions

Caution: more than one answer may be correct.
Please mark ALL correct answers.

The following control parameters can be set in a long-term planning scenario :

A Planning period
B Opening stock
C Strategy group
D MRP type
E Version of available capacity

What is the name of the planning level for the MRP run?


What are the main features of the MRP types 'PD' or 'VB'?

A. 'PD' can only be used with 'Net Change Planning'
B. 'VM' can only be used in total planning
C. 'PD' triggers a BOM explosion
D. 'VM' can use the forecast for the calculation of the safety stock

What is the meaning of the planning time fence?

A. It determines the planning period for the planning run
B. It determines the period in which the planned orders are to be converted into production orders
C. It determines the period in which no automatic changes are to be made to the production plan

In forecast-based planning, which forecast model does SAP support?

A. dynamic model
B. seasonal trend model
C. split trend model
D. Consumption model

What conditions must be fulfilled in Customizing if a production order is to be checked for availability?

A. Scope of check
B. Checking group
C. checking rule
D. Checking assignment
E. Inspection period

Answers for SAP PP Certification Sample Questions

Q) Can any body explain me why work scheduling view is required for semi finished and finished products? (Because we'll mention all details in MRP views)

A) We need to maintain working scheduling view in order to make that finished or semi finished goods available for production as we assign production scheduler and production scheduler profile in this view, if not maintained conversion of planned order to production will not be possible.